Create Custom engine classes for your game module - Epic Wiki

# Create Custom engine classes for your game module

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# Contents

# Introduction

Creating, custom Engine classes is actually very easy, and there is not much work needed. Why would you want to create custom Engine class ? It's useful, when you need to initialize some data before game or editor will be loaded, during engine initialization, so that data will be accessible after game starts.

# Adding Classes

To get started you will need to add two new classes to your project. Note the "U" prefix, which is required for any non-Actor UCLASS. An actor uses "A":


#include "Engine.h" #include "YourGameEngine.generated.h"   UCLASS() class UYourGameEngine : public UGameEngine { GENERATED_BODY() }




#include "UnrealEd.h" #include "YourGameEditorEngine.generated.h"   UCLASS() class UYourGameEditorEngine : public UUnrealEdEngine { GENERATED_BODY() }


Along with standard blank implementation in CPP files.

# Add UnrealEd dependency

In your Build.cs file, you will find PublicDependencyModuleNames. Add UnrealEd in it, like this:


PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "UnrealEd" });


# Edit DefaultEngine.ini

Now you need to edit DefaultEngine.ini in your project config folder. Open file and add these lines:

[/Script/Engine.Engine] GameEngine=/Script/YourModuleName.YourGameEngine EditorEngine=/Script/UnrealEd.EditorEngine UnrealEdEngine=/Script/YourModuleName.YourGameEditorEngine

That is it! Now when you compile and run you project, new classes will be used.

If you're creating a custom editor engine, there are some more set-ups that need to be done to ensure a proper building of both game and editor. Refer to for it.

# Extending the editor engine

# How to Include files from another module

# Linking error when exporting component

# How can I set up multiple modules so that they can interact? (theoretical explanation)

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