Curves, Create Custom Cubic Curves In Editor For Use In Code - Epic Wiki

# Curves, Create Custom Cubic Curves In Editor For Use In Code

# Contents

# Overview

Author: Rama (talk)

This wiki tutorial shows you how to get custom hand crafted curves into C++ !

This uses a combination of UE4 blueprints and UE4 c++ to enable you to create custom effects and physics movement curves in pure C++ with the ease of UE4's visual curve editor!

Below is a picture of the final result!

I draw this curve in the editor and and can now use it in C++ !


# UE4 Curve Asset


# UE4 Curve Editor


# .h

UCLASS() class AYourCharacter : public ACharacter { GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY()     /** Joy Curve */ UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="JoyCurve") UCurveFloat* JoyCurve;
    //Rama's Draw Point wrapper FORCEINLINE void DrawPoint ( const FVector& Loc, const float Size = 7, const FColor& Color = FColor::Red, const float Duration=-1.f ) const { DrawDebugPoint( GetWorld(), Loc,
Size, //thickness Color, false, Duration ); }

# .cpp

//Tick void AYourCharacter::Tick(float DeltaTime) { Super::Tick(DeltaTime); //~~~~~~~~~~~~     //~~~ Draw the Curve! ~~~   if(JoyCurve) { for(float v = 0; v < 1; v+=0.01) { DrawPoint(GetActorLocation() + FVector(v * 128,0,128 * JoyCurve->GetFloatValue(v)) ); } } else { //UE_LOG "Joy CURVE IS INVALID!!!!"; } }

# Character BP

Compile the above addition to your Character class!

Now set the asset reference that you made in the code, in the editor in your character BP!


# Conclusion


Rama (talk)

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