Distance Based DX11 Tesselation - Video - Epic Wiki

# Distance Based DX11 Tesselation - Video

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# Contents

# Overview

This tutorial covers how to create a distance based Tessellation being driven by 6 changable parameters.

# Setup

Before we can start you should have a basic knowledge of the Material Editor being used within the Unreal Engine 4. Also recommended but not mandatory is an understanding what Tessellation is especially and what it does and how it's being used. If you're not sure check out other tutorials before going ahead or simply check the "Additional Tutorials" chapter.

# Tutorial

Due to the fact that it's a complicated Material function I created a video tutorial that offers a step by step explanation.

# Material Composition

Even though I'd still suggest watching the tutorial, here is an image of the final material.

Distance Based Tessellation Material

To understand what the Param Values mean here is a screen illustrating the situation.

Distance Based Tessellation Explanation

Minimal Distance = Distance from OBJECT to A, "Max Height" and "Iterations" with the predefined value
Maximal Distance = Distance from A to B, at B "Max Height" and "Iterations" value is 0, transitioning/fading from A to B

# Additional Tutorials

Advanced Materials (Instancing) - VIDEO
Basic DX11 Tessellation - VIDEO

# Credits

Material created by DaveTheFreak aka David Scholze

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