Log Macro with Netmode and Colour - Epic Wiki

# Log Macro with Netmode and Colour

# Contents

# Overview

Macro that adds the current netmode and colour to logging, as well as making it easier to use.
Not recommended as a replacement for UE_LOG, but as a quick'n dirty tool for rapid iteration.

# YourProject.h

#define NETMODE_WORLD (((GEngine == nullptr) || (GetWorld() == nullptr)) ? TEXT("") \  : (GEngine->GetNetMode(GetWorld()) == NM_Client) ? TEXT("[Client] ") \  : (GEngine->GetNetMode(GetWorld()) == NM_ListenServer) ? TEXT("[ListenServer] ") \  : (GEngine->GetNetMode(GetWorld()) == NM_DedicatedServer) ? TEXT("[DedicatedServer] ") \  : TEXT("[Standalone] "))   #if _MSC_VER #define FUNC_NAME TEXT(__FUNCTION__) #else // FIXME - GCC? #define FUNC_NAME TEXT(__func__) #endif   #define TRACE(Format, ...) \ { \ SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_CYAN);\ const FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT(Format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ if (Msg == "") \ { \ UE_LOG(LogYourCategory, Log, TEXT("%s%s() : %s"), NETMODE_WORLD, FUNC_NAME, *GetNameSafe(this));\ } \ else \ { \ UE_LOG(LogYourCategory, Log, TEXT("%s%s() : %s"), NETMODE_WORLD, FUNC_NAME, *Msg);\ } \ CLEAR_WARN_COLOR();\ }   #define TRACESTATIC(Format, ...) \ { \ SET_WARN_COLOR(COLOR_CYAN);\ const FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT(Format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ UE_LOG(LogYourCategory, Log, TEXT("%s() : %s"), FUNC_NAME, *Msg);\ CLEAR_WARN_COLOR();\ }   #define TRACEWARN(Format, ...) \ { \ SET_WARN_COLOR( COLOR_YELLOW );\ const FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT(Format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ UE_LOG(LogYourCategory, Log, TEXT("**WARNING** %s%s() : %s"), NETMODE_WORLD, FUNC_NAME, *Msg);\ CLEAR_WARN_COLOR();\ }   #define TRACEERROR(Format, ...) \ { \ SET_WARN_COLOR( COLOR_RED );\ const FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT(Format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ UE_LOG(LogYourCategory, Log, TEXT("**ERROR** %s%s() : %s"), NETMODE_WORLD, FUNC_NAME, *Msg);\ CLEAR_WARN_COLOR();\ }   #define SCREENDEBUG(Format, ...) \ { \ const FString Msg = FString::Printf(TEXT(Format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ if (Msg == "") \ { \ TCHAR StdMsg[MAX_SPRINTF] = TEXT(""); \ FCString::Sprintf(StdMsg, TEXT("%s%s() : %s"), NETMODE_WORLD, FUNC_NAME, *GetNameSafe(this)); \ GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::White, StdMsg); \ } \ else \ { \ GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::White, Msg); \ } \ }

# YourProject.cpp

DEFINE\_LOG\_CATEGORY( LogYourCategory );

# Examples

# Function logging


void USomeClass::WithSomeFunction() { TRACE(""); }

LogYourCategory: [Standalone] USomeClass::WithSomeFunction() :

# Variable logging


void USomeClass::WithSomeFunction() { TRACE("Name: %s, Health %d, DistanceToEnemy: %f", *PlayerName.ToString(), Health, GetDistance(EnemyLoc)); }

LogYourCategory: [Client] USomeClass::WithSomeFunction() : Name: DudeGuy, Health 76, DistanceToEnemy: 128.0512

# Credits

Spoof - original implementation.
Kris - simplification & netmode.

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