Operator Overloads - Epic Wiki

# Operator Overloads

# Contents

# Overview

Dear Community,


This is one reason why I love UE4 C++ so much!

We can do anything!

Below is the C++ code for making two operators that I've overloaded for use with an FString and a Float

# Code Simplification

This enables me to go from

(Str is a FString)

Str = FString::SanitizeFloat(TheFloat);


Str <<= TheFloat;

# UE4 String Stream

Using the code I am sharing with you below, I can also now create a UE4 String Stream! Streaming in Float values to Str like this!

Str = ""; Str << Float1 << Float2 << Float3;

# Without Custom C++ Operators

for reference to do the above without my operators I would have to do this

Str = "" Str += FString::SanitizeFloat(Float1); Str += " "; Str += FString::SantizeFloat(Float2); Str += " "; Str += FString::SanitizeFloat(Float3);

# Global Scope

Please note you must define the operators at the global scope, so whatever .h you put them, dont include any "::" like MyClass::etc


FORCEINLINE is a requirement for operator overloads if you want to be able to easily define them in a way that the UE4 compiler will like even when you have code split across multiple .cpp chunks!

With operator overloads you can either define them in one place, or use FORCEINLINE, and FORCEINLINE is the much easier approach when multiple header include appearances are involved 😃

# The C++

//Str float FORCEINLINE FString& operator<<(FString &Str, const float& Value ) { if(Str.Len() > 0) Str += " "; Str += FString::SanitizeFloat(Value); return Str; } FORCEINLINE FString& operator<<=(FString &Str, const float& Value ) { Str = FString::SanitizeFloat(Value); return Str; }

# Summary

With these operators in your code, no more

Str = FString::SanitizeFloat(TheFoat);

you can just do

Str <<= TheFloat;


Rama (talk)

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