Rebinding Keys At Runtime in Packaged Game - Epic Wiki

# Rebinding Keys At Runtime in Packaged Game

# Contents

# Overview

Author Rama (talk)

Dear Community,

# Full Project Release For You

I have composed a full sample project that uses my Victory BP Library plugin nodes to create a fully rebindable keys menu in UE4!

With this menu you can simply click on the names of keys next to their related actions, and then press a key to rebind!

My input system tracks Ctrl Alt Shift and Command as well.

So you can simply click, then hold CTRL and press R to bind any action to Ctrl R !

And it saves to disk immediately and rebinds the input so that the keybind is instantly updated during runtime!

Rama's Re-Bindable Keys Complete Sample Project For You


# BP Node Overview

I have succeeded in rebinding keys at runtime in a packaged game for use with a UMG Key Rebinding menu!

I have provided you with the Blueprint nodes in my Victory BP Library!


# Victory BP Library

Victory BP Library Download

# Pic

# My C++ Code

I spent several hours to research how to do this in the UE4 code base.

Here's the core C++ code I wrote!

The whole source code is in my Victory BP Library download!


bool UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::VictoryReBindKey(FVictoryInput Action) { UInputSettings* Settings = const_cast<UInputSettings*>(GetDefault<UInputSettings>()); if(!Settings) return false;   TArray<FInputActionKeyMapping>& Actions = Settings->ActionMappings;   //~~~   bool Found = false; for(FInputActionKeyMapping& Each : Actions) { if(Each.ActionName.ToString() == Action.ActionName) {
UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::UpdateActionMapping(Each,Action); Found = true; break; }
}   if(Found) { //SAVES TO DISK const_cast<UInputSettings*>(Settings)->SaveKeyMappings();   //REBUILDS INPUT, creates modified config in Saved/Config/Windows/Input.ini for (TObjectIterator<UPlayerInput> It; It; ++It) { It->ForceRebuildingKeyMaps(true); } } return Found; }

# Conclusion



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