Timer Macros - Epic Wiki

# Timer Macros

# Contents

# Overview

Authors: Rama, Kris

Convenience macros initially created by Rama and extended by Kris, for working with the timer system introduced from UE4.7 onwards.

# YourProject.h

#define SETTIMER(param1, param2, param3) \ { \ FTimerHandle TimerHandle; \ GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, this, &param1, param2, param3); \ }   #define SETTIMERH(handle, param1, param2, param3) (GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(handle, this, &param1, param2, param3)) #define CLEARTIMER(handle) (GetWorldTimerManager().ClearTimer(handle)) #define ISTIMERACTIVE(handle) (GetWorldTimerManager().IsTimerActive(handle))   #define GETTIMERREMAINING(handle) (GetWorldTimerManager().GetTimerRemaining(handle)) #define GETTIMERELAPSED(handle) (GetWorldTimerManager().GetTimerElapsed(handle))

# Examples

# Dummy handle

Use the SETTIMER() macro to create a timer based off a dummy FTimerHandle variable.
Once created, you cannot interact with this kind of timer in any way.

You will find plenty of cases where a dummy handle is used in the UE4 engine code base, this is a common case.

If you need to track a timer in any way, such as clearing it at a time of your choosing, or checking if it is active, make sure to use SETTIMERH() and a handle that you store as a global variable.

# SomeActor.h

protected: UFUNCTION() void SomeFunction();

# SomeActor.cpp

SETTIMER(ASomeActor::SomeFunction, 0.25f, false);

# Predefined handle

Use the SETTIMERH() macro when to create a timer based off an existing FTimerHandle variable.
Once created, you can interact with this timer by passing the FTimerHandle variable into other macros, such as CLEARTIMER() or ISTIMERACTIVE().

# YourPlayerController.h

protected: FTimerHandle TimerHandle_Taunt; float LastTauntTime;   UFUNCTION() void TauntTimer();

# YourPlayerController.cpp

void AYourPlayerController::ServerTaunt_Implementation() { // Only allow Taunt its been awhile since we last tried to commit Taunt. // TIMEXXX macros from https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Time_Macros if (TIMESINCE(LastTauntTime) > 5.0) { LastTauntTime = TIMENOW; // Don't commit Taunt if a Taunt attempt is already pending. if (!ISTIMERACTIVE(TimerHandle_Taunt)) { // Delay the Taunt attempt a random amount to prevent trolling. SETTIMERH(TimerHandle_Taunt, AYourPlayerController::TauntTimer, FMath::FRandRange(1.5f, 3.0f), false); } } }

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