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# Contents

# Description

# Valid Keywords

These Keywords are also valid for UDELEGATE.

# BlueprintImplementableEvent

This function is designed to be overridden by a blueprint. Do not provide a body for this function; the autogenerated code will include a thunk that calls ProcessEvent to execute the overridden body.

# BlueprintNativeEvent

This function is designed to be overridden by a blueprint, but also has a native implementation. Provide a body named [FunctionName]_Implementation instead of [FunctionName]; the autogenerated code will include a thunk that calls the implementation method when necessary.

# SealedEvent

This function is sealed and cannot be overridden in subclasses. It is only a valid keyword for events; declare other methods as static or FINAL to indicate that they are sealed.

# Exec

This function is executable from the command line.

# Server

This function is replicated, and executed on servers. Provide a body named [FunctionName]_Implementation instead of [FunctionName]; the autogenerated code will include a thunk that calls the implementation method when necessary.

# Client

This function is replicated, and executed on clients. Provide a body named [FunctionName]_Implementation instead of [FunctionName]; the autogenerated code will include a thunk that calls the implementation method when necessary.

# NetMulticast

This function is both executed locally on the server and replicated to all clients, regardless of the Actor's NetOwner

# Reliable

Replication of calls to this function should be done on a reliable channel. Only valid when used in conjunction with Client or Server

# Unreliable

Replication of calls to this function can be done on an unreliable channel. Only valid when used in conjunction with Client or Server

# BlueprintPure

This function fulfills a contract of producing no side effects, and additionally implies BlueprintCallable.

# BlueprintCallable

This function can be called from blueprint code and should be exposed to the user of blueprint editing tools.

# BlueprintAuthorityOnly

This function will not execute from blueprint code if running on something without network authority

# BlueprintCosmetic

This function is cosmetic and will not run on dedicated servers

# CustomThunk

The UnrealHeaderTool code generator will not produce a execFoo thunk for this function; it is up to the user to provide one.

# Category

Specifies the category of the function when displayed in blueprint editing tools. Usage: Category=CategoryName or Category="MajorCategory,SubCategory"

# WithValidation

This function must supply a _Validate implementation

# ServiceRequest

This function is RPC service request

# ServiceResponse

This function is RPC service response

# Related


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