UMG Disable Focus Outline - Epic Wiki
# UMG Disable Focus Outline
# Contents
# Overview
While working on Red Godess we had an issues with the focus using a GamePad. Always a widget acquired focus it will get a dotted outline that seams to be more for PC keyboard then a GamePad on a console.
We first implemented our own focus system which worked like a charm but later we investigated on how to override the default behavior. The following tutorial is about the right way to handle it 😄.
# How to disable/customize the UMG focus outline in C++
First of all we have to create a new class that inherits from UGameViewportClient like the following.
MyGameViewportClient.h (public header)
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "Engine/GameViewportClient.h" #include "MyGameViewportClient.generated.h" UCLASS(Within=Engine, transient, config=Engine) class MYGAME_API UMyGameViewportClient : public UGameViewportClient { GENERATED_BODY() public: UMyGameViewportClient(); // We will override this methos to only return false, this way we complete disable // the focus outline. Consider using your own logic here. virtual TOptional<bool> QueryShowFocus(const EFocusCause InFocusCause) const override; }
MyGameViewportClient.cpp (private implementation)
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "MyGame.h" #include "Public/MyGameViewportClient.h" UMyGameViewportClient::UMyGameViewportClient() { } TOptional<bool> UMyGameViewportClient::QueryShowFocus(const EFocusCause InFocusCause) const { // Consider your own special logic, you might want to call the super method first. return false; }
Now you just have to add the class into your DefaultEngine.ini file and you should be good to go.
[/Script/Engine.Engine] GameViewportClientClassName=/Script/MyGame.MyGameViewportClient
So that should be all you need to get rid or control the focus outline your own way.
# Using the project settings
As stated by Nick Darnell in the forums, from 4.8 you can customize the behavior directly in the Project Settings.
Project Settings >> User Interface >> RenderFocusRule (Set To) Never
There are more option to explore if you are corious. This method will apply to the project itself while the C++ version is a more flexible way, for example, you could enable it if a keyboard is plugged in and disable it if a GamePad is detected.
# Related Tutorials
UMG, Create Scrollable List of Clickable Buttons From Dynamic Array, by Rama!
[Tutorial/ Snippet] Creating a UMG Widget in C++, and delegate example by WCode.
[Tutorial] UMG, How to extend a UUserWidget:: for UMG in C++.
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