Using Weightmaps to texture a Landscape - Epic Wiki
# Using Weightmaps to texture a Landscape
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# Contents
# Overview
So, here is a little tutorial on how to use weightmaps to texture your landscape. It assumes that you have read and understood the documentation about landscapes.
This tutorial requires you to have a heightmap and the associated weightmaps. If don't have a finished terrain, have a look at TerreSculptor or World Machine to create them. While this document is using a non tiled terrain component, it should be noted that given the current version of Terresculptor is Alpha ( I've had no problems with it myself ) that it currently does not support exporting tiled terrains , which UE4 supports.
For this tutorial I am going to use a 16-Bit RAW format for the heightmap and 8-Bit PNG files for the weightmaps.
# Importing the Heightmap
First you need to create a new landscape and choose "Import from file":
Select your heightmap file click import.
# Creating a Landscape Material
In the next step we have to create a material for the landscape. We need a seperate layer for each weightmap we have. The image below is showing a simple Landscape texture with three layers (snow, rock, grass).
Save the material and apply it to the Landscape.
# Importing the heightmaps
Navigate to the Landscape Options, choose Paint and scroll down until you see the "Target Layers" options:
Create a new Layer Info by clicking on the little "plus"-sign. Choose "Weight-Blended Layer". After that right-click on the Layer Info and choose "Import from file":
Choose your heightmap and repeat this step for all your layers.
And that's it. Your layers should now be imported and the terrain should be textured accordingly.
- Cheers
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